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Chapter Page 14.

I finished a new page! It's been a long time. I haven't forgotten about my web comic, I've just been preoccupied. Hopefully I can crank out a few more pages this year. I've decided to not try to push my Patreon page, at least until (or if) I can get into the rhythm of doing regular updates. Even if that's something like one page a month. I'd like to get back up to a page a week, but baby steps I guess.

As you can see, I'm trying yet another coloring technique, just simple cell style shading. I think it looks pretty good. What do you think?

There’s a lil button that links to my Patreon page on the nav bar to the left. Click it! Be my patron! Or go to

Did you notice I have an RSS feed?

My Patreon page

Follow Chainmail Bikini on Facebook!

In addition, you can follow Chainmail Bikini on my Tumblr feed: If that's more your speed.

Be sure to check out my art on my Deviant Art site too!

Chainmail Bikini is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.